Thank you for your kind interest, abstract submission has ended on 02.03.2015.
- Abstract submission will close automatically at the end of that day.
- Abstracts must be submitted in English via the official conference website: www.eca2015.org. Abstracts sent by e-mail or fax will not be accepted.
- All abstracts may be sent in for a poster presentation. The most significant and original abstracts will be selected for oral presentation in either one of the workshops or in a scientific session. Please indicate in the system, when submitting your abstract, if you do not wish to have your abstract evaluated for an oral presentation.
- Please note that at least one author of each abstract should register for the conference. Abstracts submitted without any corresponding conference registration will be refused.
- Each submitting author may submit only one abstract to the conference. Please remember that the online abstract submission system does not allow more than one abstract submission per submitting author.
- Please do not send multiple versions of the same abstract.
- The submitting author will be informed by e-mail about the acceptance of his/her abstract soon after the evaluation process is complete.
- The abstract should contain the title of the paper, the names of the authors and their departments and affiliations (including the cities and the countries), and the e-mail address of the presenting author.
- Please note that the abstract system does not allow submissions exceeding 300 words (including the title).
- Please do not use tables, images or graphics. If you think it is absolutely necessary to have tables or graphics in the abstract, please contact DEKON Congress & Tourism by e-mail ( abstract@eca2015.org ).
- Please use only standard abbreviations. If necessary please place special or unusual abbreviations in parentheses after the full word appears for the first time.
- Abstracts must be allocated to one the following topics:
-Clinical Cytogenetics
-Tumour Cytogenetics
-Prenatal Diagnosis
-Animal and Plant Cytogenetics
-Molecular Mechanisms of Chromosome Rearrangements
-Impact of Next Generation Sequencing on Clinical Diagnosis
- Please prepare the content of your abstract and paste it to the online form.
- The online system allows you to prepare your draft and edit it later, right up to the moment you decide to submit your final abstract.
Poster Exhibition
- The selected posters will be displayed in the poster hall according to the above mentioned categories. Detailed instructions for the poster preparation will be sent to you after the acceptance of your abstract.
Selected Oral Presentations
- The most significant and original abstracts will be selected for oral presentation in either one of the workshops or in a scientific session.
- The submitting author will be informed by e-mail about the acceptance of his/her abstract soon after the evaluation process is complete.
Please have the following information ready before you begin:
- For the presenting author :
- Full first and family name
- Department and affiliation
- Full postal address
- City and country
- E-mail address
- Phone and fax number
- For each of the co-authors :
- Full first and family name
- Department and affiliation
- City and country